Operational technologies for meteorological challenges
Help weather-dependant players to face climate changes’ effects.
Climate is changing. Expectations are rising. We need to face this huge environmental challenge. SELERYS provides weather dependent players with tailor made solutions dedicated to mitigate meteorological impact on their activities. Our signature is simplicity. We conceive operational and efficient tools to allow our customers / partners respond actively to their meteorological challenges.
To reach this goal, we gather transdisciplinary skills enhancing weather decision processes:
- Atmospheric monitoring instrumentation
- Meteorological equipment
- Digital solutions & data science
Advanced technologies for storm risk management
SELERYS conceived a range of innovative tools for atmospheric monitoring and storm risk management. To make a difference, we coupled instrumentation innovation and data science. Our solutions are efficient, competitive and robust.
Scan each and every cloud with HD
& real time half sphere scanning
Weather decision support software
Display all meteo data in one digital platform
cloud seeding tools
Speed clouds with an intelligent and a competitive vector
Meteorological Sensors Network
Build & monitor a proprietary network
Explore new options for your meteorological challenges
Let’s focus on your challenges and think them different. Our multidisciplinary & agile Team can help you in reaching a competitive & operational solution through a dedicated design-to-manufacture project.
Design specific meteorological
Sensors network management & Operation
Enhance your investments
Additional data science & UX design
Enhance you meteorological risk
They trust us
get in touch with our team
and find the best respond to your needs