Discover our advanced technologies
for storm risk management
SELERYS conceived a range of innovative tools for atmospheric monitoring & storm risk management. To make a difference, we coupled instrumentation innovation and data science. Our solutions are efficient, competitive and robust.
Detect 100% of dangerous clouds in real time
SELERYS developped unique technologies to scan each & every cloud with high precision. We developed two proprietary technologies to mesure convectivity and reflectivity in HD real time:
- SKYDETECTTM : the half sphere scanning with our short range X-Band radar
- EVEARLYSTM : the mapping of the Total Lightning Activity with our interferometer.
Weather decision support software edition
Optimise weather decisions process concentrating all the meteorological data in one digital platform
CIRRUS provides highly competitive & ergonomic weather decision environment. We digitalize meteorological decision through 3 key pillars:
- Multi layers GIS for HD & real time atmospheric monitoring
- Range of features for an operations focused user experience
- Optimization of decision making thanks to Artificial Intelligence
Tools for operational / research cloud seeding programs
The most competitive and simplest cloud seeding vector
LAICOTM is a complete solution allowing you to do reactive, safe and efficient aerial cloud seeding. It gathers a manual or a remotely controlled launcher, and a unique intelligent balloon. With LAICOTM you’ll be able to seed the clouds in less than 10 minutes.
Meteo sensors network operation
Build and monitor a proprietary network
SELERYS proposes a complete range of solutions & services in order to deploy & operate SKYDETECTTM/EVEARLYSTM networks:
- Implantation survey
- Installation
- CIRRUS suite of remote monitoring & control software for network management
- Preventive & curative maintenances
- Training for network management tool, including maintenances.
SELERYS, through its subsidiary QWATMOS, operates its own sensors network in France. You can check your eligibility to our storm risk detection services HERE.
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